App Overview

POS cafe allows products that require multiple options or modifications, such as barista drinks, to be easily managed and sold via Shopify POS.

Modifications are not connected to your Shopify inventory, rather offering the ability to change and 'add on' modifications at Point of Sale.

POS cafe allows product modifications to be printed on the POS receipt for ease of use of baristas and cafe staff.

Cafe Products

  • POS Cafe uses Shopify product management to create your initial, unmodified products. Instructions on how to enter products in Shopify can be found here.
  • In the POS Cafe app, merchants can select the products that will require modification to import into the app.
  • Products requiring no modification (i.e. café products such as pre-packaged drinks, etc) do not need to be imported into POS café, rather can be sold directly in the Shopify POS system.


  • In POS Cafe, modifier sets house options that can be applied to products. For example, modifier set titles may be groups of options like ‘milk’, ‘heat’ or ‘other options’
  • Within modifier sets, merchants add modifier options that may be used to customise their POS products, such as 'Full Cream', 'Skim' and 'Soy'.
  • Modifier options may be configured to incur an additional charge
  • Modifier sets can be configured to accept a single modifier option (i.e. ‘Full Cream Milk’) or multiple options (i.e. ‘Sugar’ AND ‘Marshmallows’)
  • A modifier set can be assigned to more than one product, and products may have multiple modifier sets assigned to them


  • POS café offers our full feature set for all users. The cost of the app directly relates to your Shopify plan and are as follows:
    • Shopify Basic – $12 per month
    • Shopify – $29 per month
    • Shopify Advanced – $99 per month
    • Shopify Plus – $199 per month
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